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Arrow point 19 Education.

Why is education important and what is it for?

It is the right of every person to be empowered through education. A good education is the best route from poverty to lifelong success. It boosts economic growth, increases income and improves a person's chances of having a healthy life.

There are two forms of education.

1) Formal:- being taught to a curriculum in a place such as a school.

2) Informal:- learning through experience, socialising, conversation and imaginative thinking.

Conclusions:- Education is vital for civilisation. It forms the basis for future development and innovation. It provides confidence for people to participate in society more equally.

As education is so fundamental to a successful society, it is the duty of any Prime Minister to ensure adequate resources are made available for formal and informal learning. It is not good enough to allow those with money to perpetuate their advantage. The time is now, to ensure everyone has the same opportunity for learning, otherwise our unequal society will continue.

The Tories support private education for the few and select from the many a pitifully small number to go to grammar schools, condemning the rest to a life of struggle and disadvantage.

We need a world class formal education system, provided in class sizes in the low twenties, delivered by high quality teachers and lecturers. Vocational training is the Cinderella of formal education. Far too many young people leave school with poor academic results. They would have excelled had they taken a high standard vocational qualification. Vocational qualifications must be developed in conjunction with industry and commerce otherwise they will not be properly recognised or rewarded. The benefits are obvious and simple. The country gets highly skilled and academically capable people. The outcome, significantly less migrants and higher standards of living in the UK.

If you believe or even think the Tories are committed to the best possible education for everyone, you are clearly not of this planet.

We need a change of direction and Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister.

Vote Labour Thursday 8th June 2017

Vote Jeremy Corbyn

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